Author: Web Admin

Meeting Agenda – March 2019

2018-19 Horace Mann  PTA Meeting Agenda March 5, 2019 Agenda Item: Purpose: Who: Time: Welcome and Introductions Information Karla AnnouncementsLeadership and Volunteer Opportunities (PTA Board, Committee Co-chair or Membership, Shadowing)Lego […]

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Meeting Notes – February 2019

2018-19 Horace Mann PTA Minutes February 4, 2019 Welcome and Introductions Teacher Representatives Ms. Holt – She’s the speech pathologist and works with all students who are identified as needing […]

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Meeting Agenda – February 2019

2018-19 Horace Mann School PTA Meeting Agenda February 4, 2019 Agenda Item: Purpose: Who: Time: Welcome and Introductions Information Nikki 5 min Announcements and Good News MinutesLego Robots Team triumphant […]

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Meeting Notes – January 2019

2018-19 Horace Mann PTA Meeting Agenda January 8, 2019 Welcome and Introductions Announcements and Good News Minutes There are always leadership and volunteer opportunities, so if you’re interested in doing […]

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Meeting Agenda – January 2019

2018-19 Horace Mann  PTA Meeting Agenda January 8, 2019 Agenda Item: Purpose: Who: Time: Welcome and IntroductionsWhat is the smartest thing that you put in your child’s home lunch? Information […]

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Meeting Agenda – October 2018

2018-19 Horace Mann  PTA Meeting Agenda October 10, 2018 Agenda Item: Purpose: Who: Time: Welcome and Introductions Information Nikki 5 min Announcements and Good News MinutesPTA forms/Volunteer forms/Ambassador formsDirectory and […]

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Meeting Agenda – September 2018

2018-19 Horace Mann PTA Meeting Agenda September 17, 2018 Agenda Item: Purpose: Who: Time: Welcome and Introductions Information Karla 5 min Announcements and Good News MinutesDirectory FormsPTA MembershipVolunteer FormsAmbassador Forms […]

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Meeting Notes – September 2018

Horace Mann School PTA September 7, 2018 Announcements and Good News Directory forms went home previously, volunteer forms and PTA membership forms are going home this week. Directories are a […]

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