Meeting Agenda – September 2018

Meeting Agenda – September 2018

2018-19 Horace Mann PTA Meeting Agenda

September 17, 2018

Agenda Item:Purpose:Who:Time:
Welcome and IntroductionsInformationKarla5 min
Announcements and Good News MinutesDirectory FormsPTA MembershipVolunteer FormsAmbassador FormsInformationIdeasKarlaTracy5 min
Teacher RepresentativesPhy-Ed SpecialistArt SpecialistInformationQuestionsMr. CastilloMs. Kolosso10 min
PTA  Purpose and GoalsWhat do you want from the HM PTA?What would you like to add/see?  What can we do to have you come back and get more involved? What can we make sure not to do? Notecards for New IdeasInformationQuestionsIdeasKarla5 min
Treasurer’s Report/Budget ApprovalHandoutSpecial Requests:Buddy BenchInformationQuestionsDecisionsJackieAnne
10 min
Principal’s ReportInformationQuestionsPrincipal Litwin10 min
PTA Committee UpdatesSee back of sheetInformationQuestionsIdeasCommittee Chairs5  min
PTA Description of Committee and Annual EventsNotecards for New IdeasInformationQuestionsIdeasAllison10 min

Dates of importance:

  • Landscape Committee Meeting   September 20 3:15 pm
  • Boo Bash Meeting September 24 5:30 pm
  • Business Partnership with Papa Murphy’s on Ford Parkway September 27 all day
  • Read-a-thon Opening Ceremony September 28 9:00 am
  • Open House/Sock Hop October 4 4-6 pm and 6-7 pm
  • PTA Meeting October 10 6:30-7:30 pm
  • Landscape Committee Fall Clean-Up October 13 9am-noon
  • Silent Auction Meeting October 15 6:30 pm

Landscaping Committee Year at a Glance:  Maya Missaghi

Information and Requests

-Our first meeting this year is Thursday, September 20th at 3:15pm. Happy to welcome any new members -always looking for fresh, beautiful ideas for our lovely grounds!

-Fall clean-up will be Saturday, October 13 from 9am-noon. Anyone able to donate wheelbarrows is encouraged to reach out and we will make providing them as convenient as possible for you. Looking forward to enjoying fall.

-PTA speaker sometime during the winter, we hope! -Silent Auction item in the works….

-Plant Sale as always! -Spring Clean up – whenever Spring actually comes back to us… 🙂 It does every year, right?

Questions/feedback? and

Read-a-thon Alex Kotze:  The readathon is from October 1-28. The opening ceremony is September 28 and we will have a magician there!  The theme this year is The Magic Of Reading. The current 5th graders designed the artwork. Look for packets to come home at the end of September. Our goal is to have the kids read 500,000 minutes and raise $25k so start thinking about asking friends and family for donations!

Sock Hop/Family Volunteer Service: Information:  The Family Volunteer Service Committee engages the Horace Mann Community in service learning projects that benefit our greater community.  Examples include the Sock Hop and Family Volunteer Service Night We are always looking for other ways to engage Horace Mann families in projects that benefit both the recipient and the giver and build connections in St. Paul and beyond.  Our first event is the Sock Hop on October 4 in conjunction with the building open house.  We will be collecting new socks and gently used shoes and boots for Project Reach, a SPPS program benefiting families in housing transitions. .  Requests/Input:   Planning for the rest of the year will happen in early November watch Perspectives or email Terri Shefelbine, to be notified directly.  Send ideas for projects or better yet come to our planning meeting in early November (watch Perspectives or email Terri)

Business Partnerships  Karla Lauerman Cummins: Information:  The HM Business Partnership Committee provides access, opportunities, and recognition to our current and potential Business Partnerships.  In 2017-18 we had 4 nights of direct contributions (Davanni’s, Addendum, Chipotle, Poppy). We have our first BP scheduled with Papa Murphy’s on Thursday, September 27.  This year we hope to increase our HM family and Community BP recognition and host 3-4 nights of direct contributions.   Requests/Input from attendee’s:  Anyone that wishes to join our committee of 3  is very welcome and/or if you have any new ideas of BP opportunities or ways to thank our partners please let us know. and/or Questions?  

Co-President-Nikki Mechelke,  

Co-President -Karla Lauerman Cummins,

Treasurer-Jackie Hippen,

Teacher Representative-Amy Kortuem,

Co-Communications Secretary-Allison Litzenberg,

Co-Communications Secretary-Libby Stanton,

Recording Secretary-Melanie McMahon,

Co-Volunteer Coordinator-Katie Sexe,

Co-Volunteer Coordinator-Tracy Riekenberg,

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