Meeting Agenda – October 2018

Meeting Agenda – October 2018

2018-19 Horace Mann  PTA Meeting Agenda

October 10, 2018

Agenda Item:Purpose:Who:Time:
Welcome and IntroductionsInformationNikki5 min
Announcements and Good News MinutesPTA forms/Volunteer forms/Ambassador formsDirectory and Handbook distributedInformationIdeasNikki5 min
Teacher Representatives2nd GradeInformationQuestionsMs. Commers  Ms. Witt Ms. Vincent10 min
Referendum Site Team (see back of agenda)InformationQuestionsDecisionMr. Brunelle Matt Clark10 min
PTA Description of Committee and Annual EventsNotecards for New IdeasInformationQuestionsIdeasAllison5 min
Treasurer’s Report (see back of agenda)Special Requests:Ms. KolossoInformationQuestionsDecisionsJackie

5 min
Principal’s ReportStaff DevelopmentInternet SafetyInformationQuestionsPrincipal Litwin10 min
PTA/HM  Committee Updates (see back of agenda)Read-a-thon CommitteeFamily Volunteer Service CommitteeBoo Bash Silent Auction CommitteeBusiness Partnership CommitteePublic Relations CommitteeMake It Take It CommitteeInformationQuestionsIdeasCommittee Chairs5  min
Respond and  review the comments and direct requests from September meeting.  (See back of agenda) InformationQuestionsIdeasDecisions Karla10 min

Dates of importance:

  • Landscape Committee Fall Clean-Up October 13 9am-noon
  • Silent Auction Meeting October 15 6:30 pm
  • Boo Bash October 25 5-8 pm
  • Halloween Candy Collection for Service Members November 1-9
  • Read-a-thon Closing Ceremony November 7 9:15 am
  • PTA Meeting November 8 6:30 pm

Referendum Site Team: Matt Clark and Mr. Brunelle: Information: Save the date!  WHO: families and teachers WHAT: volunteers will walk Highland Park neighborhood and drop literature informing households of the Referendum on Nov 6. WHEN: Saturday, Oct 27th, volunteers will meet at the home of Melanie and Scott McMahon to get their literature drop assignment and then walk a section of a neighborhood to drop the campaign literature.WHERE:1266 Scheffer Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55116 WHY: to meet fellow St. Paul Schools parents and teachers that are eager to support St. Paul Public Schools on Nov. 6!  Here’s the website for our event:  Questions: Decision:  We would like the PTA to promote our event and invite people to attend.

Read-a-thon 2018:  Alex Kotze:

The Read-a-thon is off to a magical start. We had our opening ceremony on Friday, September 28 complete with a magic show. The students had fun and gave ideas for the principal challenge. All families should have received a packet with information. Students will track their reading from October 1-28 and collect donations throughout the month. We are going to raise $25,000 this year! See the perspectives for more updates throughout the month. Questions:  Contact Alex Kotze or Karie Johnson

Sock Hop/Family Volunteer Service:Terri Schefelbine:  Thank you to all who attended, donated, or helped with the Sock-Hop.  We collected 700 pairs of socks and 65 pairs of shoes and boots to donate to Project Reach.  THANK YOU!

Family Volunteer Service Night:  Terri Schefelbine:  The next event for Family Volunteer Service is our Family Volunteer Service Night at the end of February.  At this free event, families will work on service projects such as making snack bags, baby blankets, or dog toys benefiting organizations within our community.  This night is also a time to connect with each other. Our first planning meeting is November 1 at 6:30.  Bring your ideas or come to see what makes this inspiring service night.  For questions or to get involved contact. Terri Shefelbine

Halloween Candy/Card Collection for Active Duty Military Service Members/Family Volunteer Service:  Karla Lauerman Cummins: Information:The Family Volunteer Service committee organizes a Halloween Candy/Card Collection for Active Duty Military Service Members in partnership with The Clark Extended Family.  Bring in any Halloween candy and/or card donations to the HM Main Office between November 1st-9th. Veterans Day is November 11th and this is a great way to have a conversation about citizenship and service.  Requests/Input from attendee’s:  If you would like to help or have any questions please email Karla Lauerman Cummins at  Questions?

Boo Bash:  Boo Bash 2018 is Oct. 25, 2018, 3-9 PM Event takes place at 5-8 PM.

We are asking 4th and 5th grade parents and guardians (with their kids) to sign up to volunteer.

4th Grade sign up: 5th Grade sign up:

Donation and Loaner Request sign up:  All help and donations are appreciated. Come and explore the Haunted Hallways in the brand new wing or visit the Mutation Station for a completely new look. There are games, food, and fun for all ages.  Contact us with any questions:

Silent Auction:  Anne Pavlis: The Silent Auction is our largest PTA fundraiser of the year!  Money raised will fund all of the wonderful PTA enrichment programs and activities that benefit our kids:  including vocal music & band instruction, library and classroom library books, supplies for each classroom, grade level enrichment programs and much more!  The Auction is a fun adults only night out which is held every March, featuring appetizers, drinks and many silent and live auction items. With various planning subcommittees, there are many ways to help!  Please attend our first planning meeting Monday October 15th in the PTA room (#204).  Questions?  Please contact Anne Pavlis  Hope to see you!

Business Partnerships  Karla Lauerman Cummins: Information:  The HM Business Partnership Committee provides access, opportunities, and recognition to our current and potential Business Partnerships.  We had our first BP scheduled with Papa Murphy’s on Thursday, September 27 with $621.90 money raised. Requests/Input from attendee’s:  Anyone that wishes to join our committee of 3  is very welcome and/or if you have any new ideas of BP opportunities or ways to thank our partners please let us know. and/or Questions?  

Public Relations Committee:  Allison Litzenberg:Information: The PR committee is a team of parents and Mr. Litwin who work on initiatives to help ensure robust enrollment at HM. Our work thus far this year has focused on advertising the open house that was on Oct 4th, gathering ideas and creating a HM lawn sign to help increase visibility, brainstorming with the referendum site team about ways to collaborate, and drafting a calendar of initiatives for this school year.  Requests/Input from attendees: Please sign up for a Horace Mann lawn sign, $10, email to sign up for one. Watch for requests for your help with various initiatives this year–we appreciate and need parents like you to help us spread the good word about Horace Mann School!

Make It Take It:  Ariel Dressler:The date of Make It Take It it will be Friday, Nov 30th from 6-8pm. We are planning 10 crafts to make, all priced at $3 or less. Girl Scouts will also host a bake sale the same night. Proceeds go toward purchasing grocery gift cards for Horace Mann families in need during the holiday season.

We will need volunteers on Nov. 30th for set up, ticket sales, craft table monitoring, and clean up. Look for a sign-up genius link in an upcoming Perspectives for more information.

Ideas generated from 9/17 PTA meeting:

Comments no action needed:

-Thumbs up to the hour long meetings.  Shorter meeting good. 6:30-7:30

-Favorites:  movie, bingo (free), parent support (FB)- speakers/parents

Comments forwarded to administration/teachers/staff for consideration:

-Como Planetarium trip-forwarded to Principal Litwin

-MN Orchestra Field Trip-forwarded to Principal Litwin

-Professional development.  How much does St. Paul provide?  Helps to retain good teachers-forwarded to Principal Litwin and is on the October agenda.

-Wondering what main topics will be now that construction is completed.-Forwarded to Principal Litwin.

-Inside scoop-What’s happening initiatives.-Forwarded to Principal Litwin.

-Litwin updates–more time for questions-Forwarded to Principal Litwin.

Direct Requests Action Taken:

-We like to hear from teachers at the PTA meetings and we want to know: (noted twice)

  1. What the teachers are excited about
  2. What they need.

(Provide a structure to the teacher presentations)  Forwarded to Teachers.

-Kids should win prizes for how many minutes they read, not how much $ they raise (or, just get rid of the prizes.  Already implemented.

-Continue free family events.  Committee formed.

-Changes:  variation of times/days of meetings.  Mtgs M-R this year. Limited by time available in building.

-Childcare for little kids during PTA-School age is provided but not able at this time for preschool.

-How can I help-get involved/put my skills to use.  Volunteer recruitment forms and on Oct. agenda.

-Yard signs..(Noted twice) Design contest and implementation by the PR committee this year.

-Speakers we like:  Sex-ed, child development, Jacob Wetterling Foundation Speaker, Parenting, TIme Management, Homework Presentation (highlight math), College Savings, Healthy lunch ideas, Chris Tolbert, council member, checking  with Melanie McMahon for November or January PTA meeting., With the new start times a discussion/information on childcare options, etc. On the PTA board October agenda.

Direct Requests for discussion and action:

-Comprehensive School Calendar with PTA events (more notice) (noted twice)

-School garden needed.

-We want new ideas for fundraising.

-Network with parents-insight and input.

Co-President-Nikki Mechelke,  

Co-President -Karla Lauerman Cummins,

Treasurer-Jackie Hippen,

Teacher Representative-Amy Kortuem,

Co-Communications Secretary-Allison Litzenberg,

Co-Communications Secretary-Libby Stanton,

Recording Secretary-Melanie McMahon,

Co-Volunteer Coordinator-Katie Sexe,

Co-Volunteer Coordinator-Tracy Riekenberg,

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