2021 Staff Membership Letter
Dear Teachers and Staff,
First, thank you for all of your hard work and care shown to our HM students and families during Distance Learning, In-Person Learning, and everything in between.
We are looking forward to working together for the benefit of our Horace Mann students.
Through the hard work of our members and support of our community the PTA was able to provide programs, resources, and financial support to the students and staff last year. We do not know how this year will look but we are busy planning and organizing our events for the year as well as recruiting our members.
Our goal for this year is to achieve 50% membership of the staff. We are hoping that you will show your support by joining the PTA and working with us on different events throughout the year.
Your visible show of support will help us send a message to families that parent and staff involvement is valued and is a key to success for all children and the school.
If you have ideas to share or feedback about any of our programs, we want to hear from you.
If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact Amy Kortuem, the PTA teacher representative or anyone at the email listed below.
Have a fantastic year!
The 2021-22 Horace Mann PTA Board,
Karla Lauerman Cummins & Jen Williams, shared president@hms-pta.org
Dan Dressler & Mike Axtell, shared treasurer@hms-pta.org
Amy Kortuem, teacher-rep@hms-pta.org
Melanie McMahon & Karen Vander Sanden, shared communications@hms-pta.org
Jill Mack & Joy Collman, shared volunteer.coordinator@hms-pta.org
Catherine Guglielmo & Allison Broughton shared recorder@hms-pta.org