Welcome to the Horace Mann School Community! We are so happy you selected our school.
At Horace Mann we have a very active PTA, which provides services, support, events and funds in several different ways. You are welcome to join in any capacity.
During this very “unusual” year our goal is to be flexible, supportive and responsible to the entire HM community.
In prior years, our PTA provided funding for enrichment (field trips, co-curricular programming, artists-in-residence, etc,) and additional supplies and materials for teachers’ classrooms. We also completely funded the library, tutoring coordinator, vocal music, instrumental music, Lego League, MATH MASTERS, and other in-school and after-school programs. We surveyed in the spring and will be budgeting according to the stated priorities. We will be submitting an initial distance learning budget this year and adjust when we are in-person.
We will continue to promote community with a school directory, yearbook, Facebook HM Family “private” group https://www.facebook.com/groups/432804370448748/, PTA website and scholarship funds. Our various community building events to have fun, promote education, provide service opportunities and meet other HM school families will look different this year but we are committed to being of service while following MDE and MDH guidelines. You may always check either the HM school https://www.spps.org/mann or HM PTA https://www.hms-pta.org websites for additional and updated information.
We also encourage families to check with their employers as many offer a company match to the cash donations made by their employees and if you are an Amazon user, go to https://smile.amazon.com and search for “PTA Minnesota Congress 008740 Horace Mann PTA” and designate HM PTA as your charitable organization.
We will have many different volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We have projects that can be done at home or at school. We have a wide range of activities and events. If something interests you, please consider volunteering. More information will be forthcoming.
We hope that you sign up to become members of the PTA. In order to provide all the support we do to the school, we need the support of all families. A sign-up will be forthcoming.
We hold monthly PTA meetings at which we provide information about what is happening around the school and discuss subjects pertaining to the many programs we support throughout the year.
We all have many questions this year. Please use this link to ask any questions you may have or feel free to connect via any email listed below.