2019-20 Horace Mann PTA Meeting Agenda
September 16, 2019
Agenda Item: | Purpose: | Who: | Time: |
Welcome and Introductions | Information | Karla | 5 min |
Announcements and Good News MinutesDirectory Forms (handout)PTA Membership Forms (handout)Volunteer Forms (handout and see below)5th Grade Ambassador Forms (handout and see below)We encourage and invite youth participation in all PTA meetings, committee’s, and events to provide greater student voice and leadership opportunities. We seek ways for the HM PTA to support the co-curricular activities (Girls on the Run, Scouts, Anti-Bullying Club, etc.) that directly benefit the HM community.We did an audit of the HM PTA events, service, and family support versus fundraising. Best practice is 3 to 1 per our national organization and we currently are at 4 to 1. We did a 5th grade families HM PTA exit survey and will share the results at our October meeting and on the HM PTA website.HM PTA website (see below)HM PTA FB page (see below)HM PTA Employer match and Amazon Smile (see below) | Information Ideas | KarlaAaron L. | 5 min |
Treasurer’s Report/Budget ApprovalHandouts | Information Questions Decisions | Jackie | 10 min |
Teacher/Staff RepresentativesMr. Kevin Dutcher (handout) | Information Questions | Mr. Dutcher | 10 min |
PTA Purpose and Goals (see below)What do you want from the HM PTA?What would you like to add/see? What can we do to have you come back and get more involved? What can we make sure not to do? Notecards for New Ideas | Information Questions Ideas | Karla | 10 min |
New BusinessPTA description of Committee and Annual Events.Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities and UpdatesRead-a-thon Volunteers neededBoard Opening 2019-20 (see below)Board Shadowing 2019-20Committee chair/co-chair/members/volunteersVolunteer to help organize matching donations.Band Teacher neededNotecards for New Ideas | Information Questions Ideas Decisions | KarlaTia A. | 10 min |
Principal’s Report“Creating Strong Connections”. Sharing information about our bi- or multi-lingual families and give perspective to our English-only families. | Information Questions | Principal Litwin | 10 min |
PTA Committee Updates (see below)Landscape Committee Spring Plant Sale CommitteeBusiness Partnerships CommitteeCarnival CommitteeSock Hop-Family Service CommitteeFamily Volunteer Service CommitteeBox Tops Committee | Information Questions Ideas | Committee Chairs | 5 min |
Adjourn | Karla |
www.hms-pta.org If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email web-admin@hms-pta.org
We also encourage families to check with their employers as many offer a company match to the cash donations made by their employees and if you are an Amazon user, go to https://smile.amazon.com and search for “PTA Minnesota Congress 008740 Horace Mann PTA” and designate HM PTA as your charitable organization.
We have many different volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We have projects that can be done at home or at school. We have a wide range of activities and events. If something interests you, please consider volunteering. A sign-up was sent home or submit online: https://forms.gle/PYxU3LJL72QCuVvXA
If your student is interested, please complete the paper form sent home for the dates that work for your family or submit https://forms.gle/NjMgqJC1G7nWwFHk6
YTD Total Revenue: $145,606
YTD Total Expenses: $157,305
YTD Revenue subtract Expenses: ($11,699)
Bank Account Balance as of 7/31/19: $65,051
June/July 2019 Revenue: $11,742
June/July 2019 Expenses: $45,004
June/July Revenue subtract Expenses: ($33,262)
If you are interested in more details of the PTA budget please contact Jackie Hippen directly at treasurer@hms-pta.org
The purpose of the Horace Mann School Parent Teacher Association in common with those of the National PTA and the Minnesota PTSA, are:
Inspire students to think critically, pursue their dreams and change the world.
To provide a safe, respectful school community that builds upon our tradition of high expectations for all students; nurtures the uniqueness of each child; and ensures that families are connected, informed, and involved.
Imagine every student making a year’s growth or more academically, socially, and emotionally. Imagine every student prepared for the next academic year, middle school, and beyond–learning how to learn and how to create achievement through effort. Imagine a supportive school community united, learning with and from each other, to achieve this vision.
Officer 3: Co-Volunteer Coordinator
The Landscape Committee organizes a Fall and Spring Clean Up to keep our school grounds looking beautiful; we contribute one item to the school silent auction fundraiser. We work in tandem with the Plant Sale Committee in the Spring, and are always looking for fellow plant and flower enthusiasts to think up any new ideas or just enjoy encouraging a love of nature and taking care of our school! You do NOT need to be a gardening expert of any kind to join – just looking for a fun way to get involved in keeping Horace Mann a wonderful place for our kids to go every day! If interested, you can email Maya at mayamissaghi@gmail.com or Eric at ericzakoich@yahoo.com
Every Spring, a Plant Sale is organized as a fundraising event. We try to get delivery as close to Mother’s Day as weather permits, as this is a great gift idea. People look forward to this every year to get their gardens started and as a way to confirm that Spring is actually coming again!! 🙂 Help is needed for unloading the gorgeous plant orders the morning of and setting them all up on the school grounds for pick-up. It’s lots of fun and you’ll get to meet other Horace Mann parents while you help! Please email Maya at mayamissaghi@gmail.com if you’re interested!
Information: The HM Business Partnership Committee provides access, opportunities, and recognition to our current and potential Business Partnerships. In 2018-19 we had 3 nights of direct contributions (Davanni’s, Papa Murphy’s, Noodles & Company).. This year we hope to increase our HM family and Community BP recognition and host 4 nights of direct contributions. Requests/Input from attendee’s: Anyone that wishes to join our committee is very welcome and/or if you have any new ideas of BP opportunities or ways to thank our partners please let us know. karlaraelauerman@hotmail.com and/or cpdorfsman@aol.com Questions?
Scheduled for Friday June 5, 2020. This event is an opportunity to gather the Horace Mann community and neighbors to strengthen the friendships developed over the past school year. This is a low cost event that provides families an opportunity to end the school year with a celebration. The organizing committee is in place but as May approaches, we will need several willing volunteers to help staff the numerous games and activities that the kids have come to love!! Please INK it on your calendar!! 6/5/20!!
Join Horace Mann friends for our annual Sock Hop on Friday, September 20 from 6:30-7:30. Back by popular demand, Horace Mann parents Andy and Sally Zimney volunteer their time and equipment to DJ this fun dance. Light snacks will be available. Please wear your craziest socks and bring new socks to donate to Project Reach, a SPPS office supporting families in housing transitions. This is a free family event sponsored by the Horace Mann PTA and Family Volunteer Service Committee. All children must be accompanied by an adult. If you are interested in helping with the event, please go to www.signupgenius.com/go/20f094dacac2fa5fb6-2019. Questions? Contact: Terri Shefelbine at terrias@usgo.net.
New this year we are working with teachers to provide service learning opportunities for each grade in the classroom. We will also be organizing a Family Service Night in a different format this year. We are looking for volunteers to take over as the bulk of the committee “graduates” this year. There is much room for new ideas and creativity as well as well-established projects that are easy to implement. Contact: Terri Shefelbine terrias@usgo.net 612-237-5959 if interested.
Big changes are coming to the Box Tops program starting with select products in 2019! Starting several months ago – and continuing over the next 12-months you’ll begin to see a new way to earn cash for our school. You’ll start to see a new Box Tops icon on participating products in place of the Box Top that was typically cut from the packaging – when you purchase a product with this icon you will then have the ability to scan your receipt to earn dollars for Horace Mann via the Box Tops Bonus App on your phone.
What does this mean?
Eventually the paper Box Tops will no longer be accepted. During this interim time (for the next two years) we can still accept and submit paper box tops up until their expiration date.
How does the new program work?
Parents will now download the Box Tops Bonus app, register, and select a school (we are registered as Mann Elementary School), and scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products. The app will automatically add Box Top earnings to our school’s earnings online, giving visibility to see how you are supporting our school in real-time.
What do we do now?
Continue to clip paper Box Tops as you see them on products, as many eligible products have not transitioned to the new program yet.
Support our Box Tops collection efforts by downloading the Box Tops Bonus app. As packaging begins to transition over to the new program in 2019 on eligible products you’ll be prepared to begin scanning your receipt and earn dollars for Horace Mann!
We will share additional information about the new program again in the fall via Perspectives but wanted to make everyone aware of these changes to the program.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Heather Clark at kamr0009@umn.edu.
Co-President-Nikki Mechlke president@hms-pta.org
Co-President-Karla Lauerman Cummins president@hms-pta.org
Treasurer-Jackie Hippen treasurer@hms-pta.org
Teacher Representative-Amy Kortuem teacher-rep@hms-pta.org
Communications Co-Chair-Marian Saksena Hatch communications@hms-pta.org
Communications Co-Chair-Laura Willson communications@hms-pta.org
Recording Secretary-Melanie McMahon recorder@hms-pta.org
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